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Welcome to the world of original craftsmanship!

Shipping abroad

If you are interested in shipping options abroad, you are on the right page. Although Ammyla is a Slovak brand, our handbags have already traveled to different places around the world. Whether it's Germany, Spain, USA, or Japan, we always try to find the best way for your handbag to find its way to you.

Before you place your order

Please contact us first, so that we can accurately calculate the amount of postage and the approximate date of delivery. We are here for you every day from 07:00 to 14:00 and we will be happy to help and assist you.

Contact us by Chat winodw or by mail - support@ammyla.sk

Who is Ammyla?

For more than 15 years, Slovak company and handmade brand Ammyla, creates original and stylish handbags, backpacks, shoppers, totes, and other bags. Each of our handbags is made by hand, directly in our workshop and exclusively from our own designs and patterns. Thanks to this, our products are unique and special to their owner.

Kamila Gemerská

brand founder

Since 2009, she has been shaping and developing the Ammyla brand from humble beginnings to the present. Kamila designs and invents new models and collections of handbags, backpacks and bags. In addition, she also works on paintings and graphics, which mainly decorate handbags from the Exclusive, Joy and Gotika line.

Origin and beginnings

The first bags and handbags were created around 2009, when Kamila was still a student of art in Banská Bystrica, making extra money for school fees. The handbags are a combination of the author's artwork and a textile craft that has been transfered in the family for generations. The motto of the company became "a bag as a jewel", which means that a handbag should not only be practical and well-made, but also unique and a decoration for its owner. At first, Kamila worked alone. Ammyla was characterized mainly by colorful and playful patterns.

Brand formation

Designs and models gradually changed, new materials and cuts were added. Thanks to the sales portals that were created at roughly the same time, the brand became known relatively quickly and gradually grew. Increased interest in handbags from our workshop caused the team to grow with new members.

Ammyla today

Our workshop is located in Rožňava, where we all come from. Currently, Ammyla consists of several smart people who complement each other perfectly. Each product comes from our workshop and goes through our hands from the design, cut preparation, selection of suitable materials and combination, to the actual production, inspection and shipment. When creating, we place emphasis not only on the uniqueness, topicality and originality of the models, but especially on their high-quality elaboration.






Our products

Combining traditional craftsmanship with modern elements

Handbags, backpacks and bags are always designed only on the basis of our own, petterns and cuts. They are characterized by high-quality design, imaginative, original details that give them a distinctive and easily recognizable style. We pay attention to the selection of the best materials, as well as to precise processing.

Waiting for the good

Since we produce almost all of our handbags directly for the customer only after the order has been created, the production process requires a longer time. However, we believe that it will pay off.

Exclusive Collection

The passion and joy of painting is combined with the creation of handbags and bags in the Ammyla Exclusive collection. In addition to traditional handbags and bags, we also produce modern and bold pieces that combine the traditional craft of sewing, bag making with painting. These are handbags, backpacks and bags, the motifs of which are hand-painted directly on the leather. These models are absolute and unmistakable originals.

Joy Collection

The great demand for painted handbags contributed to the idea of ​​using digital printing directly on the leather. The Joy collection presents handbags with painted author's motifs, which are subsequently digitized and printed directly on the leather using a special form of high-quality printing. In the Joy collection, blue technology and traditional craftsmanship are again combined.

A handbag that lasts

sustainability and zero-waste

An important aspect of our work are the ideas of sustainability and zero-waste management. Some of our collections are made from "unnecessary" pieces of high-quality leather that would otherwise end up in the trash. In this way, the material gets a new function and use. We often use small, unused pieces of leather in our workshops, or donate them to various creative groups or institutions.

Relácia Regina RTVS

krátka reportáž o našej tvorbe

Zdroj: Archív RTVS - 5.2.2020


medzinárodný projekt 2021

Zdroj: YouTube kanál Trendition, Open doors


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